GW for electron gas

In [1]:
# Import Bokeh modules for interactive plotting
import bokeh.mpl
import bokeh.plotting
# Magic function to make matplotlib inline; other style specs must come AFTER
%matplotlib inline
#%matplotlib notebook
# This enables SVG graphics inline.  There is a bug, so uncomment if it works.
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = {'svg',}
# This enables high resolution PNGs. SVG is preferred, but has problems
# rendering vertical and horizontal lines
# %config InlineBackend.figure_formats = {'png', 'retina'}
# Set up Bokeh for inline viewing
Loading BokehJS ...

Let's first repeat some auxiliary functions, which were presented in previous notebook

In [2]:
from scipy import *
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy import integrate
from scipy import optimize
from pylab import *

def n_bose(x,beta):
    if x*beta>100:
        return 0.0
    elif x*beta<-100:
        return -1.0
        return 1./(exp(x*beta)-1.)
def ferm(x,beta):
    if x*beta>100:
        return 0.0
    elif x*beta<-100:
        return 1.0
        return 1./(exp(x*beta)+1.)
def ferma(x,beta):
    for i in range(len(x)):
        if abs(x[i]*beta)>100:
            if x[i]>0 : ff[i]=0.0
            else: ff[i]=1.0
    return ff

def Sigma_x(EF, k, lam, eps):
    kF = sqrt(EF)
    pp = 0
    if lam>0:
        pp = lam/kF*(arctan((k+kF)/lam)-arctan((k-kF)/lam))
    qq = 1 - pp - (lam**2+kF**2-k**2)/(4*k*kF)*log((lam**2+(k-kF)**2)/(lam**2+(k+kF)**2))
    return -2*kF/(pi*eps)*qq

def EpsEx(rs,lam, eps):
    if lam>0 :
        x = (9*pi/4)**(1./3.) *1./(lam*rs)
        fx = 1 - 1./(6*x**2) - 4*arctan(2*x)/(3*x) + (1.+1./(12*x**2))*log(1+4*x**2)/(2*x**2)
    return -(3./(2.*pi*eps))*(9*pi/4.)**(1./3.)/rs*fx

def ReadMesh(fmesh):
    dat = loadtxt(fmesh).transpose()
    fi = open(fmesh,'r')
    firstline = fi.readline()[1:].split()
    N_w, N_k, nom_low = map(int, firstline[:3])
    (kF, beta, lam, eps) = map(float, firstline[3:7])
    (PhiC,EpotC0,EC_LDA) = map(float, firstline[7:10])
    nw = dat[:N_w]
    km = dat[N_w:]
    return (nw, km, nom_low, kF, beta, lam, eps,PhiC,EpotC0,EC_LDA)

Reading of the correlation self-energy, and interpolation on denser k-mesh

And than we load the self-energy, computed in previous notebook. We now have

  • k-mesh : km
  • frequency (integer) mesh: nw
  • and correlation self-energy : SigC_all
In [4]:
(nw, km, nom_low, kF, beta, lam, eps, PhiC, EpotC0, EC_LDA) = ReadMesh('work/mesh_rs_2_eps_1_lam_0.dat')
SigC_all = loadtxt('SigC_rs_2_eps_1_lam_0.dat')
SigC_all = SigC_all[::2,:] + SigC_all[1::2,:]*1j
(79, 34)

Since the self-energy is very smooth function of momentum, we will make k-mesh 3-times more dense, and we will interpolate the self-energy:

In [5]:
Np=3  # how much more points in k-mesh
_km_ = hstack( ([1e-10], linspace(0.01,0.9*kF, 10*Np), linspace(0.9*kF,1.2333*kF, 20*Np)[1:], linspace(1.2333*kF, 2.1*kF, 5*Np)[1:]) )
_SigC_all_ = zeros((len(nw),len(_km_)),dtype=complex)
for iw in range(len(nw)):
    _SigC_all_[iw,:] = _Sr_(_km_) + _Si_(_km_)*1j
km = _km_
SigC_all = _SigC_all_
(79, 104)

Determine the chemical potential and the kinetic energy

Now that we have the self-energy $\Sigma_c(k,i\omega)$, we want to compute the chemical potential by the usual formula $N=\mathrm{Tr}(G)$, which evaluates to

\begin{eqnarray} N = \int \frac{2d^3k}{(2\pi)^3}T\sum_{i\omega} \frac{1}{i\omega+\mu-k^2-\Sigma_x(k)-\Sigma_c(k,i\omega)}= \frac{3 N_0}{k_F^3} \int dk k^2 T\sum_{i\omega} \frac{1}{i\omega+\mu-k^2-\Sigma_x(k)-\Sigma_c(k,i\omega)} \end{eqnarray}

and since $N=N_0$, we therefore find $\mu$ from the above equation

\begin{eqnarray} 1=\frac{N}{N_0} = \frac{3}{k_F^3} \int dk k^2 \left[ T\sum_{i\omega} \left(\frac{1}{i\omega+\mu-k^2-\Sigma_x(k)-\Sigma_c(k,i\omega)} -\frac{1}{i\omega+\mu-k^2-\Sigma_x(k)}\right)+f(k^2+\Sigma_x(k)-\mu) \right] \end{eqnarray}

Once we have the chemical potential, we can compute the occupancy $n_k$

\begin{eqnarray} n_k = T\sum_{i\omega} \frac{1}{i\omega+\mu-k^2-\Sigma_{xc}(k,i\omega)} \end{eqnarray}

and with this we can compute the kinetic energy

\begin{eqnarray} E_{kin} = \sum_{ks} \varepsilon_k n_k = \int\frac{2 d^3k}{(2\pi)^3} k^2 n_k = E_{kin}^0 \frac{5}{k_F^5}\int dk\; k^4 n_k \end{eqnarray}

where $$E_{kin}^0=\frac{k_F^5}{5\pi^2}$$

In [6]:
def Occup(mu, k, SigC, nom_low, kF, lam, eps):
    # exchange
    Sx = Sigma_x(kF**2, k, lam, eps)
    # exchange-correlation
    Sxc = Sx + SigC
    # Complete Matsubara mesh with many more points than computed above
    midpoint = int(0.5*(nw[nom_low-1]+nw[nom_low]))
    mwl = arange(nw[0],       midpoint)
    mwh = arange(midpoint, nw[-1])
    # Interpolation
    Srl = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(nw[:nom_low], real(Sxc[:nom_low]), s=0)
    Sil = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(nw[:nom_low], imag(Sxc[:nom_low]), s=0)
    Sxcl = Srl(mwl)+Sil(mwl)*1j
    Srh = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(nw[nom_low:], real(Sxc[nom_low:]), s=0)
    Sih = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(nw[nom_low:], imag(Sxc[nom_low:]), s=0)
    Sxch = Srh(mwh)+Sih(mwh)*1j

    _mw_ = hstack( (mwl, mwh) )
    _Sxc_ = hstack( (Sxcl,Sxch) )
    wnc = (2*_mw_+1)*pi/beta
    # interacting Green's function
    Gc  = 1/(wnc*1j + mu - k**2 - _Sxc_)
    # Corresponding HF (non-interacting) Green's function
    Gc0 = 1/(wnc*1j + mu - k**2 - Sx)
    # Finally sum over all Matsubara points + analytically computed corrections
    nocc = sum((Gc-Gc0).real)*2/beta + ferm(k**2+Sx-mu,beta)
    #print k, 'nocc=', nocc, 'Sx=', Sx
    return nocc

def ComputeChemicalPotential(km, SigC_all, nom_low, kF, lam, eps):
    def dN(mu, km, SigC_all, nom_low, kF, lam, eps):
        nk = array([Occup(mu, km[ik], SigC_all[:,ik], nom_low, kF, lam, eps) for ik in range(len(km))])
        N_over_N0 = integrate.simps(nk * km**2, x=km)*(3/kF**3)
        #print 'N_over_N0=', N_over_N0
        return N_over_N0 - 1.0

    Sx0 = Sigma_x(kF**2, kF-1e-6, lam, eps)  # S_exchange(k=kF)
    mu = kF**2+Sx0
    deps = kF**2/10.
    dn = dN(mu, km, SigC_all, nom_low, kF, lam, eps)
    # bracketing zero
    sgn = sign(dn)
    while(dn*sgn > 0):
        mu -= deps*sgn
        dn = dN(mu, km, SigC_all, nom_low, kF, lam, eps)
        (a,b) = (mu+deps*sgn, mu)
    #(a,b) = (kF**2+Sx0-kF**2/5., kF**2+Sx0+kF**2/5.)
    mu = optimize.brentq(dN, a, b, args=(km, SigC_all, nom_low, kF, lam, eps))
    return mu

And the chemical potential than is:

In [7]:
mu = ComputeChemicalPotential(km, SigC_all, nom_low, kF, lam, eps)
print 'mu=', mu
mu= 0.172731896574

Now we compute $n_k$ and the kinetic energy

In [8]:
%matplotlib inline
for ik in range(len(km)):
    nk[ik] = Occup(mu, km[ik], SigC_all[:,ik], nom_low, kF, lam, eps)

N_over_N0 = integrate.simps(nk * km**2, x=km)*(3/kF**3)
Ek_over_Ek0 = integrate.simps(nk * km**4, x=km)*(5/kF**5)

dEk = (Ek_over_Ek0*Ek0-Ek0)/rho
print 'dEk=', dEk

print 'N/N0=', N_over_N0
print 'Ek/Ek0=', Ek_over_Ek0

plot(km/kF, nk, 'o-')
dEk= 0.0504848552021
N/N0= 1.0
Ek/Ek0= 1.09137941944

Correction to the potential energy in replacing $G_0$ by $G$ in $1/2Tr(\Sigma G)$

We next want to compute the correction to be potential energy when we replace $G_0$ by $G$ in the formula $\textrm{Tr}(\Sigma G)/2$. We have

\begin{eqnarray} \Delta E_{pot} = \frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}\left(\Sigma_{xc}(G-G_0)\right)= \frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}\left(\Sigma_{c}(G-G_0)\right) +\frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}\left(\Sigma_{x}(n_k-n_k^0)\right) \end{eqnarray}

The last term requires only integration over momentum, and takes the form

\begin{eqnarray} \frac{1}{2}\textrm{Tr}(\Sigma_x(n_k-n_k^0))= \frac{1}{2}\int\frac{2 d^3k}{(2\pi)^3} \Sigma_x(k)(n_k-n_k^0) =\frac{1}{2\pi^2}\int dk\, k^2\,\Sigma_x(k)(n_k-n_k^0) \end{eqnarray}

where $n_k^0$ is the step function $\theta(k

The Luttinger Ward functional

We also want to compute the Luttinger Ward functional:

\begin{eqnarray} F-F_0 = \textrm{Tr}\log G - \textrm{Tr}\log G_0 - \textrm{Tr}\left((G_0^{-1}-G^{-1})G\right) + \Phi[G] \end{eqnarray}

Here we are working on G0W0 level, hence $\Phi[G]$ will be approximated by $\Phi_{GW}[G_0]$.

Above we already computed the following quantities:

\begin{eqnarray} \Phi[G^0]-\textrm{Tr}\left(G_0\Sigma_{xc}\right) \end{eqnarray}

To compute the Luttinger-Ward functional, we still need the following quantity: \begin{eqnarray} Fc= \textrm{Tr}\log G - \textrm{Tr}\log G_0 - \textrm{Tr}\left((G_0^{-1}-G^{-1})G\right) + \textrm{Tr}\left(G_0 \Sigma{xc}\right) \end{eqnarray}

We know: \begin{eqnarray} G^{-1}=i\omega+\mu-k^2-\Sigma_{xc}\ G_0^{-1}=i\omega+E_F-k^2 \end{eqnarray}


\begin{eqnarray} F_c &=& \textrm{Tr}\log(G/G_0) - \textrm{Tr}\left((E_F-\mu+\Sigma_{xc})G\right) + \textrm{Tr}\left(G_0 \Sigma_{xc}\right) \\ &=&\textrm{Tr}\log(G/G_0) -(E_F-\mu)N - \textrm{Tr}\left(\Sigma_{xc}(G-G_0)\right) \\ &=&\textrm{Tr}\log(G/G_0) +(\mu-E_F)N - 2\Delta E_{pot} \end{eqnarray}

The code below computes the correction to the potential energy and the Luttinger-Ward functional.

In [9]:
def dTrElnG(mu, k, SigC, nom_low, kF, lam, eps):
    "Computes the change of potential energy due to G->G0 and TrLog(G/G0)"
    def Free0(E,beta):
        if beta*E<-100:
            return E
        elif beta*E>100:
            return 0
        return -1./beta * log(1.+exp(-beta*E))

    # exchange
    Sx = Sigma_x(kF**2, k, lam, eps)
    # exchange-correlation
    Sxc = SigC + Sx
    # Complete Matsubara mesh with many more points than computed above
    midpoint = int(0.5*(nw[nom_low-1]+nw[nom_low]))
    mwl = arange(nw[0],       midpoint)
    mwh = arange(midpoint, nw[-1])
    # Interpolation for low frequency
    Srl = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(nw[:nom_low], real(Sxc[:nom_low]), s=0)
    Sil = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(nw[:nom_low], imag(Sxc[:nom_low]), s=0)
    Sxcl = Srl(mwl)+Sil(mwl)*1j
    # Interpolation for high frequency
    Srh = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(nw[nom_low:], real(Sxc[nom_low:]), s=0)
    Sih = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(nw[nom_low:], imag(Sxc[nom_low:]), s=0)
    Sxch = Srh(mwh)+Sih(mwh)*1j
    # entire frequency mesh
    _mw_ = hstack( (mwl, mwh) )
    # entire self-energy
    _Sxc_ = hstack( (Sxcl,Sxch) )
    Sc = _Sxc_-Sx # The correlation part only
    wnc = (2*_mw_+1)*pi/beta
    # interacting Green's function
    Gc  = 1/(wnc*1j + mu - k**2 - _Sxc_)
    lnGc  = -log(-(wnc*1j + mu - k**2 - _Sxc_))
    # Corresponding non-interacting Green's function
    Gc00 = 1/(wnc*1j + kF**2 - k**2)
    lnGc0 = -log(-(wnc*1j + mu - k**2 - Sx))
    # Finally sum over all Matsubara points
    dGG0k = sum(((Gc-Gc00)*Sc).real)*2/beta  # Tr((G-G0)*Sigma_c)
    F0 = Free0(k**2+Sx-mu,beta)  # free energy of HF
    F00 = Free0(k**2-kF**2,beta) # free energy of non-interacting
    trLnG = sum((lnGc-lnGc0).real)*2/beta + F0 - F00 # Tr(log(G/G0))=Tr(log(G/G_HF)+log(G_HF/G0))
    return (dGG0k,trLnG)
In [10]:
Sxdn=[Sigma_x(kF**2, k, lam, eps)*ferm(k**2-kF**2,beta)*0.5*k**2 for (ik,k) in enumerate(km)]
Ex0 = integrate.simps(Sxdn,x=km)/pi**2 / rho

Sxdn=[Sigma_x(kF**2, k, lam, eps)*(nk[ik]-ferm(k**2-kF**2,beta))*0.5*k**2 for (ik,k) in enumerate(km)]
dEpot_x = integrate.simps(Sxdn,x=km)/pi**2

Scdn = zeros(len(km))
trlng = zeros(len(km))
for ik in range(len(km)):
    (dGG0k,trLnG) = dTrElnG(mu, km[ik], SigC_all[:,ik], nom_low, kF, lam, eps)
    Scdn[ik] = 0.5*dGG0k * km[ik]**2
    trlng[ik] = trLnG * km[ik]**2
dEpot_c  = integrate.simps(Scdn,x=km)/pi**2
TrLnGoG0 = integrate.simps(trlng,x=km)/pi**2

dEpotc = dEpot_c/rho
dEpotx = dEpot_x/rho
dEpotx = dEpot_x/rho
TrLogGoG0 = TrLnGoG0/rho

print 'Tr(Sigma_x*(G-G0))/2=', dEpot_x, 'Tr(Sigma_c*(G-G0))/2=', dEpot_c, 'TrLog(G/G0)=', TrLnGoG0
print 'Tr(Sigma_x*(G-G0))/(2*rho)=', dEpotc, 'Tr(Sigma_c*(G-G0))/(2*rho)=', dEpotx, 'TrLog(G/G0)/rho=', TrLogGoG0
print '1/2*Tr(Sigma_x*G0)/rho', Ex0, 'same but analytical=', EpsEx(rs=2,lam=lam,eps=eps)

%matplotlib inline
plot(km, Sxdn, 'o-', label='Tr((G-G0)Sx)/2')
plot(km, Scdn, 'o-', label='Tr((G-G0)Sc)/2')
plot(km, trlng, 's-', label='TrLogG/G0-F0')
Tr(Sigma_x*(G-G0))/2= 0.00043944891002 Tr(Sigma_c*(G-G0))/2= 0.000441606616263 TrLog(G/G0)= -0.0150815480582
Tr(Sigma_x*(G-G0))/(2*rho)= 0.014798386519 Tr(Sigma_c*(G-G0))/(2*rho)= 0.0147260810557 TrLog(G/G0)/rho= -0.505387757453
1/2*Tr(Sigma_x*G0)/rho -0.45797020281 same but analytical= -0.458165293283

Now we just combine everything computed above to obtain the total energy and the free energy

In [11]:
dEtot = dEk + EpotC0 + dEpotc + dEpotx
dFtot = TrLogGoG0 - 2*(EpotC0+dEpotc) + PhiC -2*(dEpotx+Ex0) + mu-kF**2
print 'Ec_LDA=', EC_LDA
print 'dEtot=', dEtot
print 'dFtot=', dFtot

print '-2*Epotx=', -2*(dEpotx+Ex0)+mu, -2*dEpotx
Ec_LDA= -0.0895656
dEtot= -0.120417677223
dFtot= -0.119327347651
-2*Epotx= 1.05922014008 -0.0294521621114

The cell below runs for all values of $r_s$ at constant $eps$ ($\varepsilon$) and $lam$ ($\lambda$). It saves results to a file for correlation energy "ec_....".

It also plots the correlation energy used in LDA (which was obtained by MC simulations), and computed by G0W0.

In [16]:
eps0=1; lam0=0
for rs in rsx:
    end = '_rs_'+str(rs)+'_eps_'+str(eps0)+'_lam_'+str(lam0)+'.dat'
    # Read correlation self-energy data from the file
    (nw, km, nom_low, kF, beta, lam, eps, PhiC, EpotC0, EC_LDA) = ReadMesh('work/mesh'+end)
    SigC_all = loadtxt('work/SigC'+end)
    SigC_all = SigC_all[::2,:] + SigC_all[1::2,:]*1j

    # Interpolate on larger k-mesh
    Np=3  # how much more points in k-mesh
    _km_ = hstack( ([1e-10], linspace(0.01,0.9*kF, 10*Np), linspace(0.9*kF,1.2333*kF, 20*Np)[1:], linspace(1.2333*kF, 2.1*kF, 5*Np)[1:]) )
    _SigC_all_ = zeros((len(nw),len(_km_)),dtype=complex)
    for iw in range(len(nw)):
        _SigC_all_[iw,:] = _Sr_(_km_) + _Si_(_km_)*1j
    km = _km_
    SigC_all = _SigC_all_

    # Compute the chemical potential using this self-energy
    mu = ComputeChemicalPotential(km, SigC_all, nom_low, kF, lam, eps)

    # Compute occupancy n(k)==n_k
    for ik in range(len(km)):
        nk[ik] = Occup(mu, km[ik], SigC_all[:,ik], nom_low, kF, lam, eps)

    # Check N/N0=1
    N_over_N0 = integrate.simps(nk * km**2, x=km)*(3/kF**3)
    Ek_over_Ek0 = integrate.simps(nk * km**4, x=km)*(5/kF**5)
    Ek0=kF**5/(5*pi**2)  # kinetic energy of the non-interacting system
    rho=kF**3/(3*pi**2)  # density

    print 'mu=', mu, 'N/N0=', N_over_N0, 'Ek/Ek0', Ek_over_Ek0
    # difference in kinetic energy between interacting and non-interacting system : 
    # dEk=(Ek-Ek0)/rho
    dEk = (Ek_over_Ek0*Ek0-Ek0)/rho  

    # Ex0 = 1/2*Tr(Sigma_x*G0)/rho
    cc=[Sigma_x(kF**2, k, lam, eps)*ferm(k**2-kF**2,beta)*0.5*k**2 for (ik,k) in enumerate(km)]
    Ex0 = integrate.simps(cc,x=km)/pi**2/ rho

    # dEpotx = 1/2*Tr((G-G0)*Sigma_x)/rho
    cc=[Sigma_x(kF**2, k, lam, eps)*(nk[ik]-ferm(k**2-kF**2,beta))*0.5*k**2 for (ik,k) in enumerate(km)]
    dEpotx = integrate.simps(cc,x=km)/pi**2/rho

    # dEpotc = 1/2*Tr((G-G0)*Sigma_x)/rho
    # TrLogGoG0 = Tr(log(G/G0))/rho
    Scdn = zeros(len(km))
    trlng = zeros(len(km))
    for ik in range(len(km)):
        (dGG0k,trLnG) = dTrElnG(mu, km[ik], SigC_all[:,ik], nom_low, kF, lam, eps)
        Scdn[ik] = 0.5*dGG0k * km[ik]**2
        trlng[ik] = trLnG * km[ik]**2
    dEpotc  = integrate.simps(Scdn,x=km)/pi**2/rho
    TrLogGoG0 = integrate.simps(trlng,x=km)/pi**2/rho

    # dEtot = Etot-Ek0-Ex= (Ek-Ek0) + 1/2*Tr(Sig_c*G0) + 1/2*Tr(Sig_c*(G-G0)) + 1/2*Tr(Sig_x*(G-G0))
    dEtot = dEk + EpotC0 + dEpotc + dEpotx
    # dFtot = Tr(log(G/G0)) - Tr(Sig_c*G0) - Tr(Sig_c*(G-G0)) - Tr(Sig_x*G0) - Tr(Sig_x*(G-G0)) + Phi^c + mu-EF
    dFtot = TrLogGoG0 - 2*(EpotC0+dEpotc) -2*(Ex0+dEpotx)+ PhiC  + mu-kF**2
    print 'Ec_LDA=', EC_LDA
    print 'dEtot=', dEtot
    print 'dFtot=', dFtot

savetxt('ec_eps_'+str(eps)+'_lam_'+str(lam)+'.dat', vstack((rsx,xEtot)).transpose())
%matplotlib inline
plot(rsx, xEtot, 'o-', label='EG0W0_corr')
#plot(rsx, xFtot, 'o-', label='Ftot_corr')
plot(rsx, xEc_LDA, 'o-', label='ELDA_corr')
mu= 12.1105774867 N/N0= 1.0 Ek/Ek0 1.01296467594
Ec_LDA= -0.154127
dEtot= -0.202436857019
dFtot= -0.0571258222538
mu= 2.28750324069 N/N0= 1.0 Ek/Ek0 1.03620934792
Ec_LDA= -0.120037
dEtot= -0.158252949885
dFtot= -0.121942361237
mu= 0.172739300787 N/N0= 1.0 Ek/Ek0 1.09136176819
Ec_LDA= -0.0895656
dEtot= -0.120430620837
dFtot= -0.118497925283
mu= -0.115254000962 N/N0= 1.0 Ek/Ek0 1.14917518052
Ec_LDA= -0.073766
dEtot= -0.100307687258
dFtot= -0.108117995035
mu= -0.17979649542 N/N0= 1.0 Ek/Ek0 1.2072256722
Ec_LDA= -0.063568
dEtot= -0.0874845131824
dFtot= -0.100339349524
mu= -0.19244796449 N/N0= 1.0 Ek/Ek0 1.26634544365
Ec_LDA= -0.056268
dEtot= -0.0786444256994
dFtot= -0.0950287723223
mu= -0.189932537123 N/N0= 0.999999999998 Ek/Ek0 1.32840847408
Ec_LDA= -0.050707
dEtot= -0.0723180704328
dFtot= -0.0917843208011
mu= -0.182862134434 N/N0= 1.0 Ek/Ek0 1.39537681338
Ec_LDA= -0.046293
dEtot= -0.0677211880049
dFtot= -0.0903124597597
mu= -0.174783675757 N/N0= 1.0 Ek/Ek0 1.46881439133
Ec_LDA= -0.042683
dEtot= -0.0643291298511
dFtot= -0.0900555324428
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x118a72b50>

The trend in correlation energy of G0W0 is similar as in more precise MC simulation. But we see that G0W0 predicts more negative correlation energy, between 30%-50% in the range of relevant densities.

In [15]:
%matplotlib inline
plot(rsx,array(xEtot)/array(xEc_LDA), 'o-', label='EG0W0_corr/ELDA_corr')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x118438690>

The complete code, whit parallel mpi execution, is available here