GW for electron gas : Step 3

In [1]:
# Import Bokeh modules for interactive plotting
import bokeh.mpl
import bokeh.plotting
# Magic function to make matplotlib inline; other style specs must come AFTER
%matplotlib inline
#%matplotlib notebook
# This enables SVG graphics inline.  There is a bug, so uncomment if it works.
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = {'svg',}
# This enables high resolution PNGs. SVG is preferred, but has problems
# rendering vertical and horizontal lines
# %config InlineBackend.figure_formats = {'png', 'retina'}
# Set up Bokeh for inline viewing
Loading BokehJS ...

We will load all calculated correlation energies obtained by G0W0, and than we will fit them with some analytic expression.

Dielectric part of the screening

First, we vary the dielectric function $\varepsilon$. We load the data from the disc and display them.

In [2]:
from scipy import *

epsx = [1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0] # our clculated dielectric functions
for eps in epsx:
    file = 'work/ec_eps_'+str(eps)+'_lam_0.0.dat'
    dat = loadtxt(file).transpose()
    rs = dat[0]
ec = array(ec)

# Here we take the ratio ec/ec(lambda=1).
for i in range(1,len(ec)):
    ec[i,:] *= 1/ec[0,:]
ec[0,:] *= 1/ec[0,:]
In [3]:
from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline
for i in range(len(ec)):
    plot(rs, ec[i,:], label='$\\varepsilon='+str(epsx[i])+'$')
xlabel('$r_s$', fontsize='x-large')

The ratio of the correlation energies ($E_c$ is the correlation energy density, not to be confused with dielectric function $\varepsilon$) can be well fited by the function

\begin{eqnarray} \frac{E_c(\varepsilon,\lambda=0)}{E_c(\varepsilon=1,\lambda=0)} =\frac{1+b}{\varepsilon^a + b \varepsilon^d} \end{eqnarray}


\begin{eqnarray} && a = a_0 + a_1 r_s + a_2 r_s^2\\ && b = 10^{-3} \times \frac{b_0 \sqrt{r_s}+ b_1 r_s}{1+ (b_2 r_s)^9}\\ && d = d_0 + d_1 r_s + d_2 r_s^2 + d_3 r_s^3 \end{eqnarray}


\begin{eqnarray} && (a_0,a_1,a_2) = (1.74596971, -0.0892907, 0.00658866)\\ && (b_0, b_1, b_2) = (1.63289109, 1.15291480, 0.149402)\\ && (d_0,d_1,d_2,d_3) = (3.64370598, 0.03636027, -0.03886317, 0.00693599) \end{eqnarray}

This is the expression coded below.

To get some rought approximation how $E_c$ depends on $\epsilon$, we take an average value (over $r_s$) of parameters $a$, $b$ and $d$ to obtain:

\begin{eqnarray} \frac{E_c}{E_c(\varepsilon=1)} =\frac{1.005}{\varepsilon^{1.6} + 0.005 \varepsilon^{3.6}} \end{eqnarray}

which shows that $E_c$ falls off rughly $1/\varepsilon^{1.6}$, which is faster then exchange $1/\varepsilon$ but slower than the second order diagram ($1/\varepsilon^2$).

In [4]:
def EC_ratio_dielec(rs,eps):
    # The coefficients a, b, d depend on rs, and here is their more precise fit:
    ca = [ 1.74596971, -0.0892907,   0.00658866]
    cb = [ 1.63289109,  1.15291480, 0.149402]
    cd = [3.64370598, 0.03636027, -0.03886317, 0.00693599]
    a = ca[0] + rs * ca[1] + rs**2 * ca[2]
    b = 0.001*(cb[0]*sqrt(rs)+cb[1]*rs)/(1+ (cb[2]*rs)**9)
    d = cd[0] + rs * cd[1] + rs**2 * cd[2] + rs**3 * cd[3]
    return (1.+b)/(eps**a + b*eps**d)

Next we check how good is the fit. We plot the data with dots, and fit with lines.

In [5]:
%matplotlib inline
for i in range(len(rs)):
    plot(epsx, ec[:,i], 'o'+colors[i], label='rs='+str(rs[i]))
    eps_dense = linspace(epsx[0],epsx[-1],100)
    efit = EC_ratio_dielec(rs[i],eps_dense)
    plot(eps_dense, efit, '-'+colors[i])

for i in range(len(epsx)):
    plot(rs, ec[i,:], 'o'+colors[i], label='$\\varepsilon='+str(rs[i])+'$')
    efit = EC_ratio_dielec(rs,epsx[i])
    plot(rs, efit, '-'+colors[i])

Yukawa part of the screening

We next load the data, which show the dependence on yukawa screening length $\lambda$.

In [6]:
from scipy import *

lamx = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0]

for lam in lamx:
    file = 'work/ec_eps_'+str(eps)+'_lam_'+str(lam)+'.dat'
    dat = loadtxt(file).transpose()
    rs = dat[0]
ec = array(ec)

for i in range(1,len(ec)):
    ec[i,:] *= 1/ec[0,:]
ec[0,:] *= 1/ec[0,:]

Next we fit the dependence on $\lambda$. We obtain the following fit:

\begin{eqnarray} \frac{E_c(\varepsilon=1,\lambda)}{E_c(\varepsilon=1,\lambda=0)} =\exp\left({a_0+a_1 r_s + a_2 r_s^2+a_3 r_s^3+a_4 r_s^4+a_5 r_s^5}\right)\; (1-\alpha+\beta r_s^2) + (\alpha-\beta r_s^2) \end{eqnarray}


\begin{eqnarray} && \alpha=0.008\\ && \beta=0.00112\\ && a_n = \lambda C_{n,0} + \lambda^2 C_{n,1} + \lambda^3 C_{n,2} + \lambda^4 C_{n,3} + \lambda^5 C_{n,4}+\lambda^6 C_{n,5}+\lambda^7 C_{n,6} \end{eqnarray}


\begin{eqnarray} C = \left(\begin{array}{ccccccc} 0.15805009& -0.77391602& 1.23971169& -1.04865383& 0.47809619& -0.11057964& 0.01016968\\ -0.306851& -0.77296572& 0.8791705& -0.69185034& 0.33779654& -0.08858483& 0.00935635\\ 0.13215843& -0.2776552& 0.45727548& -0.31469164& 0.10787374& -0.01661214& 0.0007591\\ -0.03086548& 0.0549528& -0.07252823& 0.04177618& -0.01084882& 0.00062192& 0.0001177\\ 0.00273230889& -0.00357007233& 0.00425309814& -0.00198811211& 0.000233761378& 0.000106803015& -2.50612307e-05\\ -9.28530649e-05& 8.09009085e-05& -9.43747991e-05& 3.89520548e-05& -3.10149723e-07& -4.23041605e-06& 8.02291467e-07 \end{array}\right) \end{eqnarray}

Below we implement the yukawa screening and check how good is the fit.

In [7]:
def EC_ratio_yukawa(lamx,rs):
    c=array([[0.15805009, -0.77391602, 1.23971169, -1.04865383, 0.47809619, -0.11057964, 0.01016968],
            [-0.306851, -0.77296572, 0.8791705, -0.69185034, 0.33779654, -0.08858483, 0.00935635],
            [0.13215843, -0.2776552, 0.45727548, -0.31469164, 0.10787374, -0.01661214, 0.0007591],
            [-0.03086548, 0.0549528, -0.07252823, 0.04177618, -0.01084882, 0.00062192, 0.0001177],
            [0.00273230889, -0.00357007233, 0.00425309814, -0.00198811211, 0.000233761378, 0.000106803015, -2.50612307e-05],
            [-9.28530649e-05, 8.09009085e-05, -9.43747991e-05, 3.89520548e-05, -3.10149723e-07, -4.23041605e-06, 8.02291467e-07]])
    a = zeros((6,len(lamx)))
    for n in range(6):
        a[n,:] = x*(c[n,0] + x*(c[n,1] + x*(c[n,2] + x*(c[n,3] + x*(c[n,4] + x*(c[n,5] + c[n,6]*x))))))
    def limit(rs):
        return -rs**2*0.00112 + 0.008
    def dlimit(rs):
        return -2*0.00112*rs
    rs = array(rs)
    fn = zeros((len(lamx),len(rs)))
    qn = zeros((len(lamx),len(rs)))
    for i in range(len(lamx)):
        xte = a[0,i] + rs*(a[1,i] + rs*(a[2,i] + rs*(a[3,i] + rs*(a[4,i] + rs*a[5,i]))))
        te = exp(xte)
        lmrs = limit(rs)
        fn[i,:] = te[:]*(1-lmrs) + lmrs
        das = rs*(a[1,i] + rs*(2*a[2,i] + rs*(3*a[3,i] + rs*(4*a[4,i] + rs*5*a[5,i]))))
        qn[i,:] = -1./3.*te*(1-lmrs)*das - 1./3.*rs*(1-te)*dlimit(rs)
    # Ec = Ev * fn
    # Vc = Vc * fn + Ec * qn
    return fn    
In [8]:
from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline

fn = EC_ratio_yukawa(lamx,rs)

for i in range(len(lamx)):
    plot(rs, ec[i,:], 'o'+colors[i], label='$\\lambda='+str(lamx[i])+'$')
    plot(rs, fn[i,:], '-'+colors[i])

for i in range(len(rs)):
    plot(lamx, ec[:,i], 'o'+colors[i], label='$r_s='+str(rs[i])+'$')
    plot(lamx, fn[:,i], '-'+colors[i])

In this work we used the total energy (using Migdal-Galitskii formula) to compute exchange correlation energy. We could use part of the Luttinger-Ward functional, which would lead to a slightly different fit, which was used in PRL 115, 196403 (2015). The old fit was:

In [9]:
def EC_ratio_old(rs,lmbda):
    def f1(coef,x):
        return (x*coef[1]+x**2*coef[2])/(1+x**2*coef[3]+x**4*coef[4]+x**6*coef[5])
    def f2(coef,x):
        return (x**2*coef[1]+x**3*coef[2])/(1+x**2*coef[3]+x**4*coef[4])
    def f3(coef,x):
        return (x**3*coef[1]+x**4*coef[2])/(1+coef[3]*x**2)
    def f4(coef,x):
        return x**4*(coef[1]+coef[2]*x**2)
    coef1 = [0, 0.12238912,  0.73648662,  0.96044695, -0.07501634,  0.00207808]
    coef2 = [0, 0.05839362,  0.11969474,  0.10156124,  0.01594125]
    coef3 = [0, 0.00827519,  0.00557133,  0.01725079]
    coef4 = [0, 5.29134419e-04, 4.49628225e-06]
    cfs = zeros(5)
    cfs[1] = exp(f1(coef1,lmbda))-1.
    cfs[2] = exp(f2(coef2,lmbda))-1.
    cfs[3] = exp(f3(coef3,lmbda))-1.
    cfs[4] = exp(f4(coef4,lmbda))-1.
    A  = 1.0 + rs*(cfs[1]+rs*(cfs[2]+rs*(cfs[3]+rs*cfs[4])))
    return 1/A

Here we compare the two different fits, to show that they mostly agree, in particular in the relavent range of small $r_s$.

In [10]:
%matplotlib inline

fn = EC_ratio_yukawa(lamx,rs)
 # This is obtained with different scheme of computing E_xc within G0W0

for i in range(len(lamx)):
    fo = EC_ratio_old(rs,lamx[i])
    plot(rs, fo, '--'+colors[i])
    plot(rs, fn[i,:], '-'+colors[i],label='$\\lambda='+str(lamx[i])+'$')

Finally, for completeness we also show how to compute the correlation potential, which is obtained from correlation density by functional derivative

\begin{eqnarray} V_c = \frac{\delta}{\delta\rho}\int d^3r\; E_c(r)\; \rho(r) = E_c(r) + \rho \frac{\delta E_c(r)}{\delta\rho(r)} \end{eqnarray}

If the correlation energy is screened by

\begin{eqnarray} E_c = f(r_s) \; E_c^0 \end{eqnarray}

we obtain for $V_c$ the following formula:

\begin{eqnarray} V_c = f(r_s) \left( E_c^0 + \rho \frac{\delta E^0_c(r)}{\delta\rho(r)}\right) + E_c^0 \rho \frac{\delta r_s}{\delta\rho(r)}\;\frac{d f(r_s)}{d r_s}= f(r_s)\; V_c^0 -\frac{1}{3}r_s \frac{d f(r_s)}{d r_s}\; E_c^0 \end{eqnarray}

Next we define:

$$g(r_s)\equiv -\frac{1}{3}r_s \frac{d f(r_s)}{d r_s}$$

so that we have

\begin{eqnarray} && E_c = f(r_s)\; E_c^0\\ && V_c = f(r_s)\;V_c^0 + g(r_s)\; E_c^0 \end{eqnarray}

Below we implement both $f(r_s)$ and $g(r_s)$.

In [11]:
def EC_ratio_yukawa(lamx,rs):
    c=array([[0.15805009, -0.77391602, 1.23971169, -1.04865383, 0.47809619, -0.11057964, 0.01016968],
            [-0.306851, -0.77296572, 0.8791705, -0.69185034, 0.33779654, -0.08858483, 0.00935635],
            [0.13215843, -0.2776552, 0.45727548, -0.31469164, 0.10787374, -0.01661214, 0.0007591],
            [-0.03086548, 0.0549528, -0.07252823, 0.04177618, -0.01084882, 0.00062192, 0.0001177],
            [0.00273230889, -0.00357007233, 0.00425309814, -0.00198811211, 0.000233761378, 0.000106803015, -2.50612307e-05],
            [-9.28530649e-05, 8.09009085e-05, -9.43747991e-05, 3.89520548e-05, -3.10149723e-07, -4.23041605e-06, 8.02291467e-07]])
    a = zeros((6,len(lamx)))
    for n in range(6):
        a[n,:] = x*(c[n,0] + x*(c[n,1] + x*(c[n,2] + x*(c[n,3] + x*(c[n,4] + x*(c[n,5] + c[n,6]*x))))))
    def limit(rs):
        return -rs**2*0.00112 + 0.008
    def dlimit(rs):
        return -2*0.00112*rs
    rs = array(rs)
    fn = zeros((len(lamx),len(rs)))
    qn = zeros((len(lamx),len(rs)))
    for i in range(len(lamx)):
        xte = a[0,i] + rs*(a[1,i] + rs*(a[2,i] + rs*(a[3,i] + rs*(a[4,i] + rs*a[5,i]))))
        te = exp(xte)
        lmrs = limit(rs)
        fn[i,:] = te[:]*(1-lmrs) + lmrs
        das = rs*(a[1,i] + rs*(2*a[2,i] + rs*(3*a[3,i] + rs*(4*a[4,i] + rs*5*a[5,i]))))
        qn[i,:] = -1./3.*te*(1-lmrs)*das - 1./3.*rs*(1-te)*dlimit(rs)
    # Ec = Ev * fn
    # Vc = Vc * fn + Ec * qn
    return (fn,qn)    

def EC_ratio_dielec(rs,eps):
    # The coefficients a, b, d depend on rs, and here is their more precise fit:
    ca = [ 1.74596971, -0.0892907,   0.00658866]
    cb = [ 1.63289109,  1.15291480, 0.149402]
    cd = [3.64370598, 0.03636027, -0.03886317, 0.00693599]
    a = ca[0] + rs * ca[1] + rs**2 * ca[2]
    b = 0.001*(cb[0]*sqrt(rs)+cb[1]*rs)/(1+ (cb[2]*rs)**9)
    d = cd[0] + rs * cd[1] + rs**2 * cd[2] + rs**3 * cd[3]
    fn = (1.+b)/(eps**a + b*eps**d)
    r_da_dr = rs * ca[1] + 2*rs**2 * ca[2]
    r_dd_dr = rs * cd[1] + 2*rs**2 * cd[2] + 3*rs**3 * cd[3]
    eps_a = eps**a
    eps_d = eps**d
    eps_abd = eps_a+b*eps_d
    b2r_9 = (cb[2]*rs)**9
    r_db_dr = 0.001*(cb[0]*sqrt(rs)*(0.5- 17./2.*b2r_9)+cb[1]*rs*(1-b2r_9*8))/(1+ b2r_9)**2
    qn = -1./3.*(r_db_dr*(eps_a-eps_d)-(eps_a*r_da_dr + b*eps_d*r_dd_dr)*(1+b)*log(eps))/eps_abd**2
    # Ec = Ev * fn
    # Vc = Vc * fn + Ec * qn
    return (fn,qn)