runIMP = True # Run impurity solver runGF = True # Run dmft1 for G and Delta UpdateAtom = 0 # if 1, recompute cix file in each DMFT loop DCs = 'fixn' # double counting scheme # fixn - fixes Edc through n0 # default - the default double counting scheme # S0 - experimental # fixEimp - experimental finish=1 # how many charge self-consistent iterations max_dmft_iterations=20 # how many DMFT iterations inside the LDA+DMFT loop max_lda_iterations=1 # how many LDA iterations inside the LDA+DMFT loop wbroad = 0.03 # broadening of sigma on the imaginary axis kbroad = 0.15 # broadening of sigma on the imaginary axis recompute_mu = True # whether to run dmft0 to recompute mu inside dmft loop. When recomputing charge, this is not necessary solver = 'OCA' # impurity solver # OCA - use real-axis solver (either oca or nca) # CTQMC - use imag-axis solver (ctqmc) com = 0 # when computing density on imaginary axis, we can subtract Sigma_oo (com=0) or Sigma(0) (com=1) ntail = 30 # on imaginary axis, number of points in the tail of the logarithmic mesh mix_delta = 0.3 # mixing of hybridization, 1 = nomixing, 0.2 = only mix in 20% of new delta broyd = True # Are we using broyden for charge mixing? riter = 100 # How often to restart broyden for charge mixing sleeptime = 2 # If broyden file are present at the submit time, user has some time to kill the job cc = 1e-5 # the charge density precision to stop the LDA+DMFT run ec = 1e-5 # the energy precision to stop the LDA+DMFT run so = True # spin-orbit coupling rCF = None # Reduction of the crystal field splitting, if necessary fixmu = True # if True, do not recompute chemical potential in dmft2 # Impurity problem number 0 iparams0={"exe" : ["oca" , "#Name of the executable"], "U" : [4.5 , "#Coulomb repulsion (F0)"], "T" : [0.0052 , "#Temperature"], "nf0" : [4.0 , "#Double counting parameter"], "nc" : [[3,4,5] , "#Impurity occupancies"], "Ncentral" : [[4] , "#Central occupancies for OCA diagrams evaluation"], "alpha" : [0.5 , "#Mixing for bath spectral function"], "max_steps" : [30 , "#Maximum number of impurity steps"], "max_diff" : [0.001 , "#Maximum difference between steps"], "followPeak" : [-1 , "#A mode to determin lambda0"], "Q" : [8.0 , "#A parameter to determin lambda0"], "StartLambda" : [-20.0 , "#Where to start looking for zero to determin lambda0"], "dLambda" : [0.1 , "#Step in searching for the lambda"], "EndLambda" : [1.0 , "#Where to stop searching for the lambda0"], "cutAc" : [[-6.0, 6.0] , "#Only window [La,Lb] of baths spectra is taken into account"], "Gh" : [0.5 , "#Parameter to improve the high frequency self-energy"], "epsilon" : [[[-10, -4.0], [4.0, 10.0]], "#Parameter to improve the high frequency self-energy"], "Th" : [0.5 , "#Parameter to improve the high frequency self-energy"], "lorentz" : [1 , "#Whether to subtract lorentz from diverging spectral functions and tr"], "SearchLorentz" : [4.5 , "#How far from zero to search fro Lorentz"], "LorentzMaxRatio" : [1.0 , "#How far from zero to search for Lorentz"], "FirstLorentz" : [0 , "#First pseudoparticle which could be augmented with lorentz"], "LastLorentz" : [10000 , "#Last pseudoparticle which could be augmented with lorentz"], "CmpDiff" : [-1 , "#When calculating Difference, only first CmpDiff particles should be"], }